Banjo Hartman

I'm fundraising for a great cause!

I am supporting Touched by Olivia in raising much needed awareness and funds by getting my PLANK on during the month of October.  The funds I raise will go to creating The LIVVIng Room - a new social enterprise cafe and community hub where everyone belongs.  Due for construction in 2024, The LIVVIng Room brings inclusive employment and inclusive programs within a community setting, and will be built in Five Dock, Sydney.

I've chosen to support Touched by Olivia because they are all about creating a world where inclusion is the norm and not the exception.  They believe that people who have a sense of purpose and belonging have better mental and physical mojo, which means they are healthier and happier! 

So, please sponsor my planking in the month of October. 100% of your donation goes to the cause. That’s right, no nasty overheads are taken out! And it’s completely tax deductible. What a WIN WIN! Together we can create a legacy with The LIVVIng Room with lasting positive changes for EVERYBODY!

Please consider making a donation through my page. 

Thanks for your support - it really counts and I am truly grateful.

If you would like to find out a bit more about the work of Touched By Olivia Foundation visit


My Updates

first minite done

Tuesday 22nd Oct
not that hard

Thank you to my Sponsors


David O’donnell

Banj. Well done for raising awareness and support for this great cause. Did you know there is a Livvi’s place at Mollymook Beach ? Ween and I send much love


Keith Hartman

Well done Banjo! Keep planking away-it's a great cause you are supporting. Grandma and Nonno


Mum And Dad

Good Luck Banjo! This is a great cause to support XX


Andrew Mcinerney

Good luck Banjo!


Edwina O'donnell

Great cause Banjo, well done darling.


Brittany And Marley

This is awesome Banj! Great work xx